Thursday, June 9, 2011

First Trip of the Year... and it's about time.

So, after 8 loooooooooooong months on dry land, i was finally able to hit the water this morning. it was awe... wait for it... some! That is until i got about halfway across the lake and my arms realized what was happening, came to the realization that they hadn't actually done any type of physical activity in the past 8 months, realized that i was only about 10 minutes into my trip and still had about 30 minutes to go, and began screaming at me to please, for the sake of baby kittens, stop paddling. actually it wasn't quite that bad. actually, for not kayaking in 8 months i think that i did pretty well. i may change my mind if i wake up tomorrow morning and can not move my arms.

Today's was pretty relaxing. i decided to start out slow and just enjoy being back on the water. My GPS (having not been used since last October was a little slow to wake up from it's long winters nap and could not get a fix on any satellites which is why my map makes it look like i started in the middle of the lake. i'm good, but not that good.

i was also a little slow to wake up this morning and forgot to take along my camera which is a shame because i saw two snapping turtles this morning. the first one i mistook for a log at first. i was passing by a partially submerged and part of it began to more. i thought that something under the water was agitating it then realized the the moving part of the log was actually the head and front portion of shell of a mostly submerged, huge ass snapping turtle. it's head was at least as big as my fist. when it saw me it sunk and swam off. it was really cool. The second turtle that i saw was on the other side of the lake. it popped up out of the water just in front of me. i almost accidentally hit it with my paddle before it disappeared back into the water. it wasn't as big as the first on that i saw, but it was still pretty good sized. i don't think that i really would have had time to get a picture of either turtle, but it would have been nice to have had a chance.

All-in-all, it was a pretty good start to the season.

Today's Stats and Map

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